Thursday, December 20, 2007

Turning a Negative into a Positive

Often, we focus on the negative rather than the positive in a given situation. Well, our pilot yesterday definitely decided he was taking everything in a positive light. We boarded on time, but then spent the next 40 mins waiting on board as stray bags made their way to the flight individually it would seem. The pilot would announce we were ready to push off, then would tell us that he had been told to wait for two more more bag...three more bags, and so it went. In the end I guess, even he got a little bit frustrated. Finally, he announced, "Folks, I am told this is the absolute final bag and then we can push off. So I need everyone to think that this is their bag that just made the flight. That way, everyone should be happy." Way to turn a negative into a positive.


ahsan said...

hehehe this has to be one of your best observations to date...and one that we should all keep in mind at all times. thank you - truly something even those who appreciate such things can never think they have conquered

DJ said...

Why thank you :) When I heard him say it, I thought: "That totally makes sense and that's how we should approach a lot of things."

ahsan said...

in recent times i catch myself mumbling ‘take the positive’ a lot
i dont know whether that is a function of life getting tougher or me getting tired of worrying about stuff that really doesn’t lead to anything in the end. so at the risk of piling on here...i say take the positive!

DJ said...

yes, one of my goals as well: to try and find the positive side to every situation, even if it seems all bad at first. it somehow makes everything that tiny (or significant) bit easier. i guess that's also why one of my favorite bulgarian sayings is: всяко зло за добро (literal translation: every evil for good; probably best equated to "every cloud has a silver lining") something good comes out of everything, even what may seem only negative at first. i truly believe that. (or maybe it's just placebo effect that I think that's true :) )

ahsan said...

whatever works right?!
hope u are having a good time with ure family and staying warm!