Thursday, December 20, 2007

Crossing the Atlantic

After exactly four months in the U.S., I again boarded a plane to cross the Atlantic. Despite all my occasional complaints about the hassle of packing, airport security, and how much stuff I usually carry around, it felt good and refreshing to board a plane and to be part of the travel world again. Time to myself, time to think, time to just relax and not worry about anything for 7 hrs. Time to feel truly international as people from all over the world pass you at the airport, announcements in different languages get made over the intercom, and scenes from various travel locations attract your attention from posters and TV screens. That's why I like flying, and that's why I don't mind flying by myself. It's my best people-watching occasion :)

I did stop to think, however, how we just take air travel for granted these days. It has become so much a part of our life - like boarding a bus - that we tend to forget that there was a time when it was not quite as accessible. A time when it was a novelty that brought with it all the thrill and excitement that only something truly novel can bring. I try to remind myself of that whenever I can...because the situation in which travel is missing from my life is truly inconceivable.

To everyone traveling over the holidays: Bon Voyage! And if some travel hassle starts getting to you, just breathe and remember that things could be worse, especially if we had no opportunity to travel at all.

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