Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Apologies for my somewhat extended absence. Wrapping up the semester proved a little bit harder than I had anticipated. But now it is all over...or at least until January, when we return for our final exams. But that is four weeks away, so no need to dwell on it now. Currently, am spending my time in New York, where it is quite cold. However, even the freezing wind seems to have no effect on the avid shoppers who have taken to the Manhattan streets en masse. It is amazing how people will stand in line for hours just to enter a toy store or the Apple store. Yeah, they are that dedicated to spending money. I could launch into a long discussion of U.S. consumerism... but will save that for a rainy day. Hope you are all well and have gotten that Christmas shopping done :)


Anonymous said...

"The Century of the Self", a documentary by Adam Curtis, addresses this US consumerism in great detail...

DJ said...

Interesting... will watch. btw are you cold? ;)