Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Today, I feel light and happy and I have had a smile plastered on my face for most of the afternoon. (Not that I have been feeling unhappy since I got here or anything but it just feels different today somehow. I can best relate it to the feeling of having found my place when I returned to Bulgaria last year.) It is starting to feel like I am getting to know people better and be more comfortable with/around everyone. Following this presentation skills workshop we had today, everyone in our group (36 of us, about half the class) had to give a toast. I know it probably sounds cheesy but I think that "insignificant" activity brought everyone closer together. (The champagne we had to go along with the toasts probably helped as well:)) I know I am going to be saying this a lot and risk becoming boring in the end but there really is something to be said about the people here. From a Chinese journalist who had to write under an English pseudonym in order to overcome censorship to military guys who have served in Iraq to people who have directly been involved in electoral politics... the span of experiences is beyond anything I could have imagined (and I had heard quite a lot about our school from friends who had completed the program before me). Also, it really is a great feeling to have so much in common with so many people--from personal and professional interests, to experience in various countries, to language skills etc. It is already promising to be a tremendous learning experience. Again, I don't mean to sound cheesy but I truly feel that way.

For those of you who want to get a small glimpse of this place called Princeton, a few pics below.

And last, I have been talking a lot about myself lately. Now I want to know what has made you smile recently.


Anonymous said...

nice this a bug crawling under the bark? :)

DJ said...

I think you may be right. Wow, you have sharp eyes! I thought I was alone in the picture but guess not :)