Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Tonight as I was heading home, walking along Tsar Osvoboditel (one of the main streets in Sofia), for the first time since I arrived, I thought to myself "It feels good to be here." It's not that I felt badly before; as I think I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I just felt sort of neutral. I didn't feel bad, but I guess I also didn't feel at home. Slowly, I think that is changing. And it's definitely a great feeling! Liberating, is the best word I can think of. Slowly, I don't feel behind, like I always have to get used to something I am not familiar with, start from scratch...I do find it a bit strange that I feel this way only a few days after my worst week, as described in Saturday's post... but I guess that is how things are here. It is a roller-coaster ride all the way and a place of extremes. We'll see how it goes from here.

So as a treat :), here are a few pics I took last week of some of my favorite landmarks in Sofia, and a view towards Boyana ("suburb" of Sofia, if I can call it that, although it sounds funny to me) and Vitosha mountain, taken from my grandparents' apartment. Click on the image if you want to see a (much) enlarged version.

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