Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fashion Gaps?

Some time last week I was trying out earrings at a jewelery store when the saleswoman pointed to a pair she thought I might be interested in. I told her that I didn't like the fact they weren't entirely silver and had a yellow tint to them. She in turn assured me that cleaning them would get rid of the yellow and offered to do it right then and there. There was still something I didn't like about the earrings but somehow I felt obliged to see how they looked after she so adamantly kept recommending them. Even before putting them on I knew I wouldn't buy them. But I put them on anyway and, no surprise, I didn't like how they looked. In addition to the yellowish tint, there were some weird symbols on them that looked to me like numbers and I couldn't imagine why someone would design such earrings. I turned to the saleswoman after she asked me what I thought of them and said, "I don't really like these numbers on the earrings." She looked at me completely appalled and replied, "Those aren't numbers! That's the symbol of Versace." At which I could only muster a surprised "Oooooh!"

Shows how much I know about labels. But Versace or no Versace, those earrings still looked like crap.


kalina said...

why Versace when you can always get Doice&Gabbana :P

DJ said...

Right :) Next time I will be sure to ask only for the D&G accessories