Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Drivers' Etiquette 101

I just got back from a week of travel outside Sofia (about which I will write more in one of the next posts). Apologies for the delayed response to your comments to the last post.

One thing I notice every time I get on the road in Bulgaria, and a phenomenon that still has not died out (luckily!), is drivers' signaling to each other when there are cops "in wait" on the side of the road. If you are approaching a speed trap, the drivers from the opposite lane(s) flash their headlights a few times to signal for you to slow down. Almost every car that approaches from the opposite side of the road does this. I guess these are the remnants of drivers' etiquette in Bulgaria (because in every other respect most people here drive like maniacs, with no respect whatsoever for other drivers). But I find this little courtesy great! And as you pass the cops on the side of the road... for a second you almost want to feel sorry for them. That they will be waiting there in vain, outplayed at their own game. But then the comical image usually cracks me up :). I wish we had more "quirks" of this sort. If you can think of others, please let me know!


Anonymous said...

People do that in the states to, at least in rural areas where the cops like to hide in the bushes for speed traps. Had it happen lots of times out in the boonies!


DJ said...

Love it! Drivers everywhere unite! :) Oh, and I loved the image of cops hiding in the bushes...

Anonymous said...

I meant it quite literally too - I know ALL the hideouts on a road that I had to take to work one long summer that barely goes above 35.

My first and only speeding ticket was from a cop hiding in a graveyard! (same road)
