Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fitness... BG Style

A couple of weeks ago I started going to an aerobics-type class to get back into shape... it's basically a mixture of different things like step and exercises with weights. It kicked my butt the first time but I am getting into the swing of things. Tonight, however, I noticed some interesting things about my "classmates". There are those really obsessive ones. Dead set on losing weight, they wear as many layers as possible in order to sweat more and often even wear weird tight velcro-type wraps around their butts, thighs, or stomachs... again, in order to sweat more in those places. It cracks me up! Then there is the other extreme... those who aren't really interested in the class, are there probably because a friend coerced them to go, and who when following along with the instructor, actually don't seem to be putting any effort into it, but rather, seem to be dancing. Tonight, I was especially amused by this one girl who honestly looked like she was at a rave, waving her arms in a trance-like motion. I know I am not supposed to be making fun, but I just couldn't help but notice how bizarre that looked. Granted, I probably look silly too, but that is for someone else to judge.


Elena said...

I have seen the maniacs too. To be honest, those seem to be a lot more prevalent in BG aerobics classes. I saw one with a wool sweater on once. Crazy!!!

Doesn't it feel great to be getting back into shape? :)

DJ said...

Yes, tell me about it... I wonder if they really see such a huge difference by wearing all the layers and stuff... or whether they do it just because somebody told them it works. I think the latter.

But, otherwise, yes it feels great to not have your muscles hurt all over the day following a workout and to feel more energetic in general! :)

Anonymous said...

what those women don't understand is that running is the best type of aerobics. sweating does not mean you necessarily lose weight, you only lose water. burning calories will make you lose weight. some people burn calories even without sweating.