Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beautiful Bodies

I have been to the theatre quite often lately. As I've mentioned previously, it is one of the things I love about Sofia.

Last night, I went to see "Beautiful Bodies" by Laura Cunningham (directed by Vladimir Liutskanov) in Театър Сълза и Смях (translates as Tears and Laughter Theatre). I wasn't really in the mood for theatre... but given that the performance had been postponed from January (and I had bought the tickets in December), it was high time I saw this very in-demand play. I was very pleasantly suprised... I had heard it was good, but I have started taking such comments with a grain of salt not to build up my expectations too much. It left me feeling pensive, wistful, happy, and nostalgic at the same time... and I appreciate any play, film, book that can cause such a spectrum of emotions... it was funny, yet sad; depressing, yet hopeful; far-fetched and yet so realistic. I also won't hide the fact that its themes and cast reminded me of Sex and the City... my all-time favorite TV series. I leave you with a brief synopsis (below) in Bulgarian as well as a link to The NY Times' review of the book .

If you spot this play somewhere--whether in Sofia or abroad (especially if you are of the female sex :) ), go check it out... it's definitely worth it in my opinion.

Красиви тела

премиера, НДТ "Сълза и смях"
по Лора Кънингам

участват: Стефания Колева, Нона Йотова, Искра Ангелова, Нети, Кристина Янева, Силвия Лулчева.

Шест приятелки на възраст между 30 и 36 години се събират на купон, за да отпразнуват забременяването на една от тях. Джеси е разведена писателка, имаща нещастието да се влюбва в мъже, които винаги заминават. Прекрасна домакиня, тя прекарва времето си в очакване на телефонен звън и в мечти за уютен дом и семейство. Нина е цапната в устата, леко цинична, непрекъснато е на диети. Има салон за маникюр. Малко прибързано ляга с мъжете, последната й авантюра е с дзен будиски монах. Елизабет е модел. Слаба, красива, отнесена, сълзлива, глуповата в наивността си, тя е изоставена от любовника си и вече цяла година чака той да преодолее кризата си. Има проблем с наркотиците. Марта е най-преуспялата - има агенция за недвижими имоти. Прагматична, еснафка, нетактична, досадна, има импотентен годеник, когото търпи, за да не даде повод за клюки. Сю Карол е нереализирана актриса, която работи като сервитьорка. Без деца, стисната, фригидна, прекаляваща с алкохола, но общо взето трогателна. Току що е направила важна крачка в живота си - напуснала е мъжа, който й изневерява. Виновницата за партито Клер е музикантка, авантюристка и бунтарка по природа. Въпреки незавидното финансово положение, в което се намира, тя е решила да остави детето, появило се след една единствена романтична нощ с почти непознат мъж - едно от онези емоционални избухвания, които нямат обяснение.
Очарователната женска компания заплита трагикомичен разказ за пропуснати възможности, изгубено време, безсмислени компромиси, ограбващи връзки, самотност, лъжи, любовни авантюри...


Laura said...

Hello, I am Laura Shaine Cunningham- the playwright. I appreciate your comments very much. I attended the premiere in October and enjoyed the play- and your city. I was warmed by the welcome and understanding I received in Bulgaria, and I know I shall return. I too enjoy Sex and the City-- AND wish to mention my play was written before that show.
The play now enjoys popularity around the world, and for that, I give thanks to women like you who wish to see plays that are truthful and not exploitive about women's lives. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts-- they reached me far away in New York and made me smile! Laura

DJ said...

It is a pleasure to meet you, albeit online! Thank you for commenting on my post... I never in the world expected to receive a comment from the playwright herself. It is a pleasure for me to spread the word on "Beautiful Bodies" as I still feel the afterthoughts and emotions from the play. So honest and touching. Thank you for creating a window into the female world.

Anonymous said...

The Beautiful Bodies - Deliciously accurate and entertaining tale of six female pals in their mid-30s who gather at a dinner party…. Wine blows, the wind blows, and all the women break down and let their feelings show. I was moved to tears and scream on laughter. I can even relate to their stories. Could not stop ingesting chapters! Amazing!

DJ said...

bie: I agree! (although I was watching it on stage on reading) I very highly recommend it.