Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Gumboot

As the weather has turned rainy, I have noticed the appearance of the gumboot (or Wellington boot) all over campus. Worn only by women (as far as I can tell), gumboots seem to have made a comeback among the young adult population, which I find pretty intriguing given that I last remember wearing them when I was very very young. I remember them mostly being plain colored - yellow, red, pink. Nowadays, it seems that shoe designers are really taking this to the next level: I have seen gumboots of all possible colors, with various designs. I noticed the beginning of this gumboot-wearing trend a year or two ago, but then I would only occasionally see someone wearing them. And even if they did wear them, the person would be pretty casually dressed, so that the gumboots sort of fit the ensemble. Today, I think at least 30-40% of women I saw on campus were wearing them, and some of these women were pretty fashionably dressed otherwise. But then again, who am I to judge gumboots as unfashionable? Maybe that just goes to show how unfashionable I am :)


Anonymous said...

with gumboots and their cousins, the UGGs, it's all about the social context. I too remember that those were usually worn in Bulgaria by primary school students during the winter. Now that there's no winter, they've become an insouciance fashion statement. The stigma of you being confused with a drunken Russian angler does not exist here in the US :)
They don't ventilate very well, so the persistence of the women wearing them is puzzling.

DJ said...

I loved your comment about the Russian angler :) so true, so for ventilation, yeah... not pretty