Friday, October 26, 2007

The Fall, the Rain & Midterms

It is dark, gloomy, and cold out.
It is mid-term exams' week.
I have not socialized much with anyone in the past few days, given that I have been cooped up in the library for most of the week.
But, overall, it doesn't feel bad or depressing (something I probably never would have said while in college if faced with the same situation). It feels fine. And actually feels good to just sit down on your a*& and be productive. So, did I just grow up, calm down, and learn not to take things so seriously? Maybe. Or maybe I am simply in denial.


ahsan said...

in this regard i think there is something to be said about your professional work experience and the impact that has on your ability to just get stuff done - i think it really trains you to take the positive in situations of stress and live the moment through.
maybe its different for everyone but just my opinion here :)

DJ said...

I agree. I think it definitely helps put things in perspective.