Friday, June 20, 2008

The Rollercoaster Dip

Inevitably, when I go somewhere for a longer period of time, the initial excitement wears off and I experience the slump of being in a foreign place and no-one to discuss and share my excitement or impressions with. Yes, I have the blog. Yes, I can always call and write someone. But it´s not the same. It´s not the same as being able to just call someone up and go out for a beer or coffee or a walk. And I don´t mean just anyone. I mean someone who knows me well. So, I guess as I start my second week here, I have come to the slump I am used to experiencing. Today, I am in a pensive and almost melancholy mood. I miss many people. I know by tomorrow I will feel better, and as I get to know more people, I know the feeling will disappear. But for now, there is no point denying it. And although all my colleagues are out celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the Millennium Challenge Account in Nicaragua (more on that in another post), I simply don´t feel like joining the fun. Yes, I can pretend. But then I am not really one for pretense.

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