Friday, May 23, 2008

Women and Clothes (or How Things Can Easily Turn Ugly)

A morning of shopping this week brought me to the following conclusion: Clothes bring out the best and the worst in women. The best, because they can accentuate a woman's beauty and make the difference between your looking ordinary and your looking dazzling. The worst? Because when women shop they literally can turn into vultures. My first (and potentially last) visit to Forever 21 this week found me 1) waiting in a line that had 20 or more women in it, 2) witnessing women getting undressed in the middle of the store (up to their underwear) to try on clothes (guess the desperation of trying to find the perfect dress calls for radical measures), and 3) appalled at how some women would look at something and then simply discard it to the side (or even on the ground) to signal their disinterest. Add to this the few other times I have witnessed women almost fighting over pieces of clothing during sales, and you might start to understand why I hate shopping. I find the whole experience I just described appalling and somewhat embarrassing despite the fact that I am not personally involved.

Now when I see a woman who is beautifully dressed I can't help but picture her fighting over the prized piece of clothing in an overstocked and overcrowded store :)


Miss Biliana said...

Funny, I had a very similar experience at the newly opened H&M store in my town yesterday. It was unbearable, most women were holding more items than they can carry and were trying them in the middle of the store. The cashiers were just throwing the items in bags with the hangers still attached to them "because it was faster". I don't think I lasted five minutes. I left and went to another store, which felt like a quiet cathedral compared to the last one. I didn't mind spending a little more but was actually able to enjoy my shopping experience.

DJ said...

Yeah, H&M is another good one. In European cities during sales it is like a madhouse and most of the clothing can be found on the floor. Last year, I also came across this great piece on the Zara outlet in BG. Take a look; it still makes me laugh: