Saturday, May 05, 2007


Yesterday I was browsing through HIGHFLIGHTS, the magazine of Sofia Airport, which by the way is a pretty cool magazine. Something you wouldn't expect from an airport, let alone a Bulgarian one. I was a bit taken aback and now wish I could actually subscribe to it. The magazine covers travel spots (both in BG and abroad), curiosities from around the world, ongoing events of interest in Sofia, places to eat etc. etc.

But that is not what I wanted to post about. What I wanted to post about was something that cracked me up towards the back pages. The so-called Bulgaria for Beginners section and more specifically "Some useful phrases you are likely to need as soon as you enter Bulgaria". Along with Dobro utro (Good morning) and Dobur den (Good afternoon), I came across:
Napishete mi akt, nyama da vi dam pari v broi (Write me a ticket. I am not going to give you any cash)--for those moments when a police officer is expecting a small "gift" in order not to fine you. yes, a frequent occurrence still.

Iskam da se ozhenya za teb i da te zaveda v Shtatite (I want to marry you and take you back to the States)--when the reason for your visit to Bulgaria is to find a Bulgarian bride :). (I think I laughed out loud at this one. Well, what happens if you are not from the States? The phrase doesn't work for you then, I guess.)


Anonymous said...

That was funny...
I see this as a common thread in your blog - keeping an eye on the funny and absurd in Bulgaria, lest we forget how ridiculous things can be sometimes.

DJ said...

You're welcome!:) For some reason I only got your comment today and I see that you posted it on May 8th... don't know what happened there. So, apologies for the late response.

Anonymous said...

If you are interested in that kind of thing, please, visit