An End and a Beginning
I can't believe it has been more than two months since my last post. I guess I haven't been very inspired lately (mostly my own fault). But since I do post important milestones, I thought I should at least make note of this one. I finished my Master's! The graduation ceremony was last Monday, June 1. Two school years have certainly flown by. From them, of course, I take many memories - both happy and sad. It is a bittersweet time. Strangely enough, this graduation didn't feel as significant as my college one. Perhaps because it involved only two years of studies or perhaps because this is the second time round, so to speak. In any case, it feels different. So, what now? Well, first a couple of months off, during which I can hopefully spend some time in Bulgaria. And then a new adventure begins. This time in La Paz, Bolivia. At the end of August, I start work for Pro Mujer (a microfinance organization that works in several countries in Latin America) as part of a fellowship program for a year. I can't wait to experience a new place again, gain inspiration, and recount the stories here. The blog won't be this quiet for too much longer :) Stay tuned.
Your new adventure sounds amazing. Congrats on your master's!
I just read your status on the FB newsfeed and remembered I haven't been here in a while. CONGRATS for the master's :) Wish all the best. Really exciting times ahead and yay for La Paz :) Excellent :)
ps Was wondering once again what a nice idea it has been you did this blog, great reading your news/thoughts, etc.
eva: Thank you! Will keep you posted here.
trol: Thanks! Funnily enough, I haven't been here much either... which is a pity, as I like to write. I guess I just didn't have much inspiration in the last few months. But La Paz should change that. I eagerly await experiencing and reporting :)
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