(Your) Life
I doubt that many people outside of Germany have heard of Soehne Mannheims....To be honest, despite the fact that I have spent (what to most people would be) a considerable amount of time in Germany, I only heard of them this past summer, when passing through Berlin. I can't say I am a big fan. I only heard one song: Dein Leben (Your Life) (the hit at the time). And while it was being repeatedly ingrained in my memory (after all, I kept hearing it everywhere, well, maybe not quite as frequently as Jojo's latest hit, as others can attest ;-) ), the lyrics of the chorus suddenly stood out.
"Kümmer' Dich um dein Leben und dann kümmer' Dich um uns.
Die Schäden können wir beheben, das ist nicht die Kunst.
Wir müssen was bewegen, sonst bewegt sich nix.
Es geht nicht nur um Dein Leben, sondern ob es ein Leben ist."
I thought of at least one person that I wanted to dedicate these words to. Most people, including myself, fall into a state of apathy or depression, pure laziness, or just outright comfort with their current situation. Although realizing that the situation is not optimal, we choose not to do anything about it, or just simply push the thoughts (of "This isn't really what I want") out of our heads. Yet, when you think about it, we don't have much time to just mop around, not getting where we want to get, not doing what we want to do.......after all (pardon the cliche) life is short. I think we all realize this.......yet, why do we sometimes get stuck in a rut that we just can't get out of? Why aren't we moving anything forward and instead just keep treading in one place....